Private Studio Address

244 Hamilton Drive West
Acomb, York, YO24 4PJ

This is the address for the Perfecting Pilates Studio and used for the one to one classes and training. Addresses for our public classes can be found on the classes page.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 8:00 - 20:00
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

There maybe times, such as during classes, when we cannot answer your call. Please leave a message, send an email, or use the contact form to get in touch. We will respond as soon as we can.

Contact Form

We will reply to your message as soon as we can, however during busy periods, it may take us 24 - 48 hours to reply.

Full Name

Type your full name here

Your name is required

Email Address

Type your email address here

Your email address is required

Your Message

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